11/28/23 Learn Korean Dad Jokes with Korean Unnie: Which Animal Is the Best at Sales? Previous King Sejong's Favorite Milk...is ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛ우유~!!! You Might Also Like [Korean Dad Joke #5] What is it when a Car Cries? You need to know the Capital of Germany to get this Korean Dad Joke!!! The first Queen of Korea is? [also contains #DADJOKE] [Korean Dad Jokes #3] What's a Flower's Least Favorite City? This Korean guy knew how to Fight back in the day...#dadjoke
11/28/23 Learn Korean Dad Jokes with Korean Unnie: Which Animal Is the Best at Sales? Previous King Sejong's Favorite Milk...is ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛ우유~!!! You Might Also Like [Korean Dad Joke #5] What is it when a Car Cries? You need to know the Capital of Germany to get this Korean Dad Joke!!! The first Queen of Korea is? [also contains #DADJOKE] [Korean Dad Jokes #3] What's a Flower's Least Favorite City? This Korean guy knew how to Fight back in the day...#dadjoke