11/28/23 왕? 임금? is King in Korean..but the 'Poorest' King in the World is.. Previous 워메~ is a Jeolla Dialect for 'OMG' but also... Next King Sejong's Favorite Milk...is ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛ우유~!!! You Might Also Like The Dad Joke about 'Flying Duck' that BTS Jin made EXPLAINED Learn Korean Dad Jokes with Korean Unnie: Which Animal Is the Best at Sales? [Korean Dad Jokes #4] What's a Country that Doesn't have any Road for Cars? EXPLAINED Can you get this Korean Dad Joke? The Saddest Vegetable of Korea... You need to know the Capital of Germany to get this Korean Dad Joke!!!
11/28/23 왕? 임금? is King in Korean..but the 'Poorest' King in the World is.. Previous 워메~ is a Jeolla Dialect for 'OMG' but also... Next King Sejong's Favorite Milk...is ㅏㅑㅓㅕㅗㅛ우유~!!! You Might Also Like The Dad Joke about 'Flying Duck' that BTS Jin made EXPLAINED Learn Korean Dad Jokes with Korean Unnie: Which Animal Is the Best at Sales? [Korean Dad Jokes #4] What's a Country that Doesn't have any Road for Cars? EXPLAINED Can you get this Korean Dad Joke? The Saddest Vegetable of Korea... You need to know the Capital of Germany to get this Korean Dad Joke!!!